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Hospitality Sector Gets Jab

Bhubaneswar: Vishal Dev, Principal Secretary Tourism, Sports and Youth Services feel happy with Joint Drive on COVID-19 Vaccination for the Hospitality Sector.

Department of Tourism, Government of Odisha Jointly with Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation (BMC),organized Vaccination Drive for hotel workers and other stakeholders of Hospitality Sector of Odisha recently at OSAP 7th Battalion High School in Bhubaneswar.

Around 1000 persons were vaccinated in this two-day inoculation drive. Plans are underway to vaccinate the stakeholders of the travel sector soon.

“The Hospitality Industry is working on the frontline with many hotels having turned into quarantine centers and restaurants providing door-step food delivery services. Through this initiative, we not only aim to get these frontline workers vaccinated but also make the hospitality sector ready for arrival of guests after the Covid-19 restrictions are eased”, said Principal Secretary Tourism, Sports and Youth Services  Mr.Dev.

 “The vaccination drive has been organised with an objective of getting the frontline workers of hotel industry ready to receive guests once the lockdown is lifted and travel restrictions eased”, said  Commissioner BMC Sanjay Kumar Singh.

The initiative was launched in coordination with Hotels and Restaurant Association of Odisha (HRAO).

“Covid-19 vaccine has provided an opportunity to shape the future of tourism and hospitality sector and Odisha Government is taking active steps towards making the industry future-proof through initiatives like this inoculation drive”, said Tourism Minister Jyoti Prakash Panigrahi.