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State Plans Massive Urban Infra

Bhubaneswar: Odisha Government has planned to scale up infrastructure development in the Urban Zones of the State in a big way.

Department of Housing and Urban Development has taken such a step forward to make Chief Minister’s vision of “Healthy Odisha-Happy Odisha” into a reality.

In this regard H&UD Department has asked all the Collectors, Municipal Commissioners, PD-DUDAs, EOs and Engineers of all 114 ULBs held to prepared action plan accordingly. Principal Secretary Housing and Urban Development G Mathivathnan directed construction of Mini Parks in the neighborhoods, Pavered Walking/Jogging Tracks, Open Air Gyms, Playgrounds, Children Parks, New Water Bodies, Bus Terminals, Road Side Urinals and other civic amenities in all  2035 wards across 114 ULBs.

These infrastructure development are to be taken on a Mission Mode to be completed within a span of 6 months, i.e., before December 2021 to ensure good health and wellness of citizens and improve the livability in the Urban areas of the State.

 In addition, massive employment opportunities would be created across 114 ULBs for urban poor and migrant workers during current pandemic.

All the ULBs have been directed to prepare Action Plans for creation of above infrastructures at the Ward level and submit to the Department within next 15 days for taking it forward.

All the Urban Infrastructures would be created with active involvement of Community Based Organisations (CBO) such as Mission Shakti Groups (MSG) & their Federations and Slum Dweller Associations (SDA) and they will be roped in entire execution process as Implementing Agency in various labour-intensive works to be undertaken under MUKTA, JAGA MISSION and other Schemes of the Department.

A State level Taskforce has been constituted under the chairmanship of Principal Secretary, H &UD Department to oversee the progress and issue necessary directives, guidelines, model estimates and toolkits to ensure uniformity and transparency in the implementation process across the State.

A State level Monitoring Cell headed by Jonint Secretary and State Nodal Officer MUKTA Sarada Prasad Panda has been formed for day to day monitoring the progress and providing critical supports to ULBs for smooth implementation of Urban infra initiatives.

Similarly, 30 District level Nodal Persons have been identified for coordinating various activities with ULBs and transmitting the information to the State team.

 In addition, 114 Nodal Persons at the city level have been identified to facilitate development and execution of Urban Infra Action Plans.