Home News State On Differently Able Care

State On Differently Able Care

Bhubaneswar: A review meeting of the Department of SSEPD has been held today under the chairmanship of Minister for Social Security and Empowerment of Disabled Nityananda Gond.

The representatives of ‘Safaal’ organization participated in the discussion and presented their views on various problems of disabled people living in rural areas and their solutions.
Principal Secretary Bishnupada Sethi gave detailed information on various schemes for the differently abled in the department.

In the meeting, a proposal was made to select disabled friends at the block level and coordinate it with the villages to make the existing schemes for the disabled accessible in the facilities.

The provision of legal protection in the field of higher education and employment for the differently abled was also discussed.

In the meeting, it was discussed to take steps to provide facilities like reservation of seats in transport to disabled people, incentive amount for disabled marriages, elimination of untouchability towards healthy lepers, accessible parks, disbursement of loans under the scheme.

The government has received proposals to consider opening group residential centers for senior citizens in the near future.

Among others, the Director of Social Security and Empowerment of the Disabled, Additional Secretary and Deputy Secretary participated in the discussion.