Bhubaneswar: Speakers at the book opening ceremony lauded the literary efforts of ace administrator and author Bishnupada Sethi’s creation and opined that his writings are connected to mother, land and people.
His latest creation “Rajanira Sangeeta and Anyanya Kabita” released here on 1 August. The translated version is popular and having impact among the readers, pointed out speakers.
Prachi Sahitya Prakashan, Cuttack is the publisher of the book, which was released by eminent author Professor Rajendra Prasad Mohanty, who graced the occasion as Chief Guest.
Professor Bijaya Satapathy appreciated the poems, stories and creativity of Mr.Sethi and said he has lucidly describes the thought of a common man in his writings.
Author and Critics Basudev Sunani said Mr.Sethi is inspired by Mahima Alekh and due to HIS impact ‘humane approach’ is extensively presented in the writings of the author Mr.Sethi.
Translator of the book, Shakti Prasad Tripathy gave out details on the book.
Mr.Sethi said he is influenced by the environment and eco system, which are depicted in his creation.
He thanked all for their appreciation and support in taking up literary pursuits.