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Sethi Cautions On Cigarette

Bhubaneswar: To protect youth mass from the drug addiction, Principal Secretary, Department of Social Security and Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (SSEPD) Bishnupada Sethi has directed concerned officials to ensure strict implementation of ban on sale of cigarettes with 100 meters of any educational institution in the State.

Principal Secretary Shri Sethi has issued this instruction during the first meeting of the State Nasha Mukta Bharat Abhiyaan (NMBA) Committee held here recently.

Shri Sethi, who is Chairperson of the Committee, advised for strict implementation of cigarette ban order and visits to the institutions, hospitals for assessment of preparedness and implementation.

The committee discussed about formulating State Abhiyaan Activities, guiding and overseeing the implementation of District Level NMBA, increase community participation and public cooperation, ensuring formulation and implementation of the District Level NMBA in identified vulnerable districts in the State, conducting training programmes for the service providers at State level, district level, and below district level, developing a Social media strategy for the State Abhiyaan and implementation.

Principal Secretary Shri Sethi stated the tasks of other connected departments in creating awareness for drug- deaddiction and also mentioned that committed in creating awareness for drug-de addiction. Further, he emphasized on taking up awareness drives through social media campaigns

The Principal Secretary, SSEPD urged concerned officials to work in partnership mode with various NGOs and other civil society organizations having a common mission and vision for curbing drug addiction.

He also stressed on government and non-government interventions for monitoring, enforcement and prevention activities. Furthermore, he emphasized on promoting yoga & sports in educational institutions and included Bramhakumaris, Ramakrishna Mission, Art of Living and other such organizations to create awareness in educational institutions through motivational sessions.

 Commissioner of Police, Soumendra Priyadarshi mentioned that Odisha has more numbers of Cannabis users than the national average and the use of brown sugar is not confined only to urban areas.

Further, he emphasized on physically reaching out to the educational institutions and creating awareness among the students on substance abuse. In addition, he mentioned the need for sensitization of the parents of drug-addicts.

It was decided at the meeting that District Level NMBA Committee meetings will be conducted in all 30 districts before organising the 2nd State Level NMBA Committee meeting. Social media campaigns will be planned involving renowned sports persons, leaders, youth icons and other famous personalities.

Bramhakumaris, Ramakrushna Mission, Art of Living and other such organisations would be roped in for creating awareness in educational institutions through motivational sessions/ yoga classes.

State level Exhibitions will be conducted in collaboration with Lalit Kala Academy on Drug Menace. Various clubs (e.g., Rotary club, Lions club, etc.) will be involved for spreading awareness on substance abuse.