Home Administration Promotion Bonanza For OAS Officers

Promotion Bonanza For OAS Officers

Bhubaneswar: In an aim to give promotional avenues to Odisha Administrative Service (OAS) officers, the State Government on Wednesday restructured the OAS cadre by creating additional 220 posts. Now, the total OAS strength has been increased to 2123.

Soon after getting the approval of the State Cabinet, the General Administration and Public Grievances Department issued a resolution to this effect.

Perhaps, for the first time in history, the State Government has created so many numbers of new posts at OAS Group-A (Senior Branch) and above level.

“Owing to increase in posts at the base level, there is a need for enhancement of posts in mid and senior level in order to augment the existing promotional facilities, through restructuring of the cadre. Considering the requirement, the Government has decided to restructure the cadre,” Government said in a statement.

The number of OAS Group-A (Senior Branch) posts has been increased from 330 to 385 while OAS (Suppertime Scale) posts have been enhanced to 270 from 235.

Similarly, the OAS (Superior Administrative Grade) and OAS (Special Secretary) level posts have been increased by 90 and 40, respectively.

 With the creation of additional posts, the total strength of OAS (SAG) and OAS (SS) has been reached to 215 and 65, respectively.

As per the resolution, the principle of interchangeability of posting between OAS (SS) and OAS (SAG); OAS (SAG) and OAS (S); OAS (S) and OAS Gr-A (SB) and OAS Gr-A (SB) and OAS Gr-A (JB), will be allowed subject to maintaining the seniority of reporting officer, while posting the officers in the field.  

This will give flexibility to the Government, in posting of experienced persons in key positions in the field as well as at various levels of the Government, it said.

Moreover, the Government can appoint other cadre officers in the identified OAS cadre posts as and when required in exigency of public service.

The conditions for requirement of minimum residency period for promotion to different Grades of the OAS Cadre by amendment to the Odisha Administrative Services (Method of Recruitment and Conditions of Service) Rules, 2011 will be considered by a High-level Committee constituted for the purpose.

Odisha Administrative Service is the premier State Civil Service cadre and its officers serve the State in almost all fields of administration for proper implementation of the Government schemes and programmes with citizen centric approach.

Officers of this cadre contribute mostly to the Revenue Administration, Law & Order, Rural & Urban Development, Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation & Resettlement, Education & Health and especially, Disaster Management.

Government schemes and welfare activities have grown manifold in the meantime and utmost importance is being attached to transparency and efficiency in the public delivery system, which has necessitated posting of Officers in different levels, in addition to the existing scale, as per requirement of Departments.