Home Environment Paradip Port On Green Mode

Paradip Port On Green Mode

Paradip: The first in a series of green initiatives to be taken up by the Paradip Port Authority (PPA) will be distributing cotton bags among the people to discourage them to use plastic bags.

P L Haranadh, Chairman Paradip Port has chalked out several green initiatives as per Maritime India Vision 2030.

Mr.Haranadh strongly feels that use of cotton bags by the people is much needed and they are to replace their plastic bags with cotton bags.

An environment friendly mandarin, Mr.Haranadh is making determined efforts to make the environment of Port City conducive one for its citizens.

PPA will made available cotton bags for the people’s use and it will be pro-people initiative, said sources.

Plastic bags less than 50 Microns are banned across the country and it poses health hazard.

Odisha Government has also banned single use plastic in all urban areas since 2 October, 2019.

The use of plastic bags creates several problems, including polluting the sea, chocking the drainage system and several other issues.

City engineers agree that plastic bags remained single biggest threat to City Drainage system.

While 12 major ports across the country including Paradip Port has chalked out Action Plan for green and sustainable port sector, Paradip Port has gone ahead in this regard, officials say.

Accordingly Mr.Haranadh has decided to plant One Lakh trees every year and during next five years, Paradip and in and around will have at least Five Lakh trees planted by the Port Authority.

Greening the Port Zone has been inaugurated by Minister of State Port, Shipping and Waterway, Shantanu Thakur during last week, when he made his maiden trip to the Port City.

Mr.Haranadh, who connects ‘Panchabhuta’in his planning for green and sustainable port sector feels that youth is needed to be made aware about the subject, which is basis of life.

Senior officials say that PPA plans for development of green sustainable port with an aim to increase the share of renewable energy to over 60 per cent by 2030.

Besides promoting waste to wealth through sustainable dredging and lessening use of diesel and opting for LNG.

Maritime India Vision 2030 aims at running Green Ports, also known as ecological ports, are sustainable development ports, which not only meets the environmental requirements, but also raises their social, economic interests.

The core question of an ecological port is to find a balance point between environmental, social impacts and economic interests.

PPA is systematically planning to achieve such mission with implementation of Maritime Vision 2030, launched by Prime Minister NarendraModi.