Home Environment Padhee On Green Mode

Padhee On Green Mode

Bhubaneswar: When the entire world is worried for environmental degradation, an environment friendly mandarin, Arabinda Kumar Padhee  has taken a move to increase green coverage in his office complex.   

Dr. Padhee, Principal Secretary Agriculture & Farmers’ Empowerment, who is known for his ‘out of the box’ thinking, has now set a new tradition by advising all of his Departmental officers to plant trees while inaugurating any official meetings, conference or workshop. He has suggested the officials start these events by watering a sapling.

After the meeting or ceremony is over, they should plant the sapling in a suitable place in any office of the Department. The sapling will be specially planted by the person retiring from the department, which will remind of the concerned fellow officer and employee, he advised in a letter to all officers of Agriculture Department.

Dr. Padhee also clarified that organizers can follow the traditional lighting of the lamp to inaugurate the official events in addition to watering the sapling.

The Principal Secretary hoped that this symbolic initiative will indicate the commitment of the Department towards building a green environment and inspire others.

His ‘Green Move’ has been appreciated by many senior officials in the state government.

Recently when it came to notice that a number of officials were reluctant to submit Annual Property Statements in time  to the State Government, Dr. Padhee, last month, had issued marching orders for submission of Annual Property Statement in time.

Dr.Padhee, an honest and upright mandarin has always been transparent in his approach, has warned that if any employee fails to do it will face dire consequences like stoppage of salary.

The Principal Secretary had issued an order for all the employees to submit their Annual Property Statement as on 1 January for the year 2022 online through HRMS, before the deadline. 

Falling which, their salaries for February, 2023 onwards would not be drawn till they file the Statements, he had warned.

Principal Secretary Dr.Padhee has made it abundantly clear that this directive is applicable to All India Service Officers serving in the Department of Agriculture and Farmers’ Empowerment including himself.