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OAIC Gets New Web Platform

Bhubaneswar: Odisha can be a leading state in the field of agriculture with adaptation of modern technology and skill development, said state Agriculture & Farmers’ Empowerment, Fisheries & ARD Minister Arun Kumar Sahoo.

Inaugurating a skill development training program for the unemployed youth of the state, and launching the website of Odisha Agro   Industries Corporation here today, Minister Mr.Sahoo said that the Agriculture sector offers the maximum employment opportunities these days. With their knowledge and skill development, the unemployed youth of our state can earn handsomely and lead a dignified life.

With the growing demand for modern agri equipment these days, acquiring knowledge on these machinery would make the youth self-reliant, Mr.Sahoo asserted.

As many as 150 educated and unemployed youth will be imparted training on repair and maintenance of power tillers, pump sets, reapers and power weeders during the Skill Development Training Programme, launched by the Agriculture Minister today. They will be offered 12-day training in Bhubaneswar free of cost in five batches.

Odisha Agro Industries Corporation has been supplying fertilizers, pesticides, tractors,    power tillers, pump sets and agricultural implements to the farmers as per Government   approved rate under subsidy to the farmers at their doorsteps since 1962.

The Corporation has also taken up installation of Lift Irrigation Projects for creation of additional irrigation potential under Jalanidhi-ll and BKVY schemes of the Odisha Government which has been highly appreciated by the farmers.

The Corporation today launched a new website to get closer to the farmers of the state and inform them about the activities of the Corporation from time to time.

Speaking on the occasion, Agriculture Secretary Suresh Kumar Vashishth emphasized on organizing more training programs on modern agriculture and agri equipment; and on preparation of a database of educated and trained human resources.

Highlighting the welfare schemes launched by the Odisha Government for the farmers, Agriculture & Farmers’ Empowerment Department Advisor Krutibash Patra urged the youth selected for the training, to work with dedication to excel in their field.

Agriculture & Food Production Director M Muthukumar said that the training programme would be beneficial as there was huge demand for skilled manpower for repair and maintenance of the agri equipment offered to the farmers at subsidized price.

Odisha Agro Industries Corporation Chairman Debashis Mohanty highlighted various welfare schemes of the Corporation and the state government.

Odisha Agro Industries Corporation Managing Director Sadananda Nayak also spoke on the occasion.