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NEP To Transform Higher Education

Bhubaneswar: The recently launched National Education Policy (NEP-2020) will transform the higher educational institutions into world-class institutions, Union Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan said on Friday.

Mr.Pradhan inaugurated the Pushpagiri Lecture Hall Complex and Rishikulya Hall of Residence at IIT Bhubaneswar.

To overhaul the education landscape of the country, the Government has brought the National Education Policy 2020 based on the foundation of affordability, accessibility, equity and quality, he said.

The NEP is not merely a policy but a vision document for the future that aims to establish a student-centric education system by empowering the students with flexibility and power of choice, Pradhan said.

The Union Minister also expressed that IIT Bhubaneswar is a leading Institute in Odisha should take the lead in the effective implementation of the NEP-2020 and paving the path for holistic and multidisciplinary education and thereby helping the needy sections of the society.

With the spirit of nation-first, he said, youth will be the torchbearers of a self-reliant India of the 21st- century.

Mr.Pradhan further said that the Government of India has taken various steps to provide opportunities to our youth by supporting higher education institutions in all possible ways.

The Education Minister expressed his happiness in inaugurating the largest lecture complex and hostel in the State and hoped that the added infrastructure facilities will enable the students to strive for greater excellence.

With a focus on quality research and innovation, IITs have indeed become the symbol of the progress of India and success in higher education, he pointed out. Mr.Pradhan complemented the IIT Bhubaneswar for its teaching excellence and quality education.

On this occasion, an MoU was also signed in between Director of IIT Bhubaneswar RV Raja Kumar and Chairman of Skill Development Institute Bhubaneswar, Ranjan Kumar Mohapatra in the presence of the Union Minister.

The MoU is for enhancing skill development activities for unemployed, under-employed, and underprivileged youth with technical education relevant to the industry under the expertise and guidance of IIT Bhubaneswar.

He said that the collaboration will help to address the local issues and environment issues in a disaster-prone State like Odisha and thereby acting as a role model for the entire nation.

He further reiterated that the amalgamation of knowledge and technical skills at IIT Bhubaneswar will pave the path for innovative outcomes in a State like Odisha.

Mr.Pradhan stated that the real potential of Odisha lies in its people and its real growth has to be driven by its youth. He wished success to all the faculty and students of the institute in all their future endeavors.