Baripada: Justice A K Patnaik, Former Judge, Supreme Court and Oversight Authority (OA) for OMBADC has expressed his happiness over implementation projects in the Tribal Zones of the State, where mineral blocks are being operated.
Justice Shri Patnaik was on a 3 days field visit to Mayurbhanj district from 23-25 June 2023 to review the progress of OMBDC funded projects sanctioned for the district from 2018 onwards.
Chief Executive Officer, OMBADC, G Rajesh accompanied Justice Shri Patnaik, who extensively visited the far flung areas, where developmental projects are taken up in a big way.

These projects are approved under 07 sectors like Drinking water, Education, Health, Livelihood, Rural connectivity, Environment protection and Water conservation. The total value of 36 approved projects is Rs. 5709.92 Crore in which priority sectors like Drinking water has been allocated 61% followed by Education with 17% and Health with 16%.
Allocation for other sectors like Livelihood is 4%, Rural connectivity is 0.76% and Water conservation is 3%. The projects are being implemented by several line department PIAs at the district level.
On 23June 2023, the Oversight Authority visited TTI Takatpur where OMBADC has provided funding support to develop it as a Center of Excellence. The OA was taken on a round to the different facilities that have been developed with OMBADC funding like the Mini Tool Room, Advanced Laser Welding and Tool room. He also interacted with the enrolled youth and understood the advanced skilling efforts of the SD&TE department. The OA also visited the 24 x 7 DFT project at ward no. 25 under Baripada Municipality.
In the evening, the Collector Mayurbhanj Vineet Bhardwaj had called a meeting where the OA got an opportunity to interact with all the line department district level PIAs and understand their performance regarding project implementation. A PPT was presented by the Collector to update the Oversight Authority on the existing status of the projects under various sectors.
After completion of the PPT, the CEO OMBADC G Rajesh highlighted certain issues related to slow progress in some of the projects like non availability of statutory clearances for the drinking water projects approved in the 21st BOD meeting, low achievement in installation of smart classes (only 23%), slow progress in infra projects in the Establishment of CoEs project, slow progress in land identification for construction of Model AWCs etc. While concluding the meeting, the Collector took a commitment from the respective line department PIAs to complete the projects in the next 2-3 months.

On 24 June 2023, the Oversight Authority visited several projects in Rairangpur like Model Anganwadi, Individual Water harvesting structure (farm pond) and Mega nursery being utilized for growing seedlings at Saraskana block, the Pilot project center for tasar seed station , 5T High school and Odisha Adarsh Vidyalayafalling under Bisoi block, Mega Piped water supply project under Rairangpur block and the Sub divisional hospital, Rairagpur. He also interacted with the school children and other beneficiaries to understand the outcomes of the project.
On 25 June 2023, the Oversight Authority made a visit to the Naskari Reserve Forest to observe the status of the completed SMC works, some livelihood projects like goat farming and mushroom cultivation, SSD girls school and infra projects at SDH Karanjia. He also interacted with the beneficiaries to understand the benefits that they have got out of the Livelihood projects and the improvement in quality education in students after implementing the 5T interventions.

The Oversight Authority also interacted with the Media Persons and updated them about OMBADC funded projects and purpose of his visit. Officers accompanying the Oversight Authority for the field visit were the Collector Mayurbhanj, CEO OMBADC Shri Rajesh and other officials of OMBADC and the district level PIAs. The Oversight Authority was satisfied with the progress of the projects.
Justice Shri Patnaik meticulously reviewed the progress of the projects, which are taken up for improvement of quality of life of the people staying in Mineral Zones. OMBADC is extending helping hand in a sincere manner, thanks to a sensitive and pro-people oriented mandarin Shri Rajesh, who is at the helm of OMBADC, pointed out a senior official.