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Economy On Upsurge Mode

Bhubaneswar: Pradeep Jena, Development Commissioner has said that Odisha Economy continued the remarkable upsurge post-pandemic, growing at a rate of 11.5 per cent in 2021-22 and 7.8 per cent in 2022-23.

Shri Jena writing the Preface of Odisha Economic Survey Report has said that these growth rates have not only been significantly higher than that at the national level for the corresponding years, but also surpassed the pre-pandemic trend of performance.

He pointed out that As a consequence, the state’s per capita income has risen to INR 1,50,676 in 2022- 23(AE) thereby dramatically shrinking the gap vis-à-vis the national level to half of what it used to be in 2011-12. State’s fiscal performance remained satisfactory during 2021-22 and the trend is expected to persist in 2022-23.

Development Commissioner said that the State has consistently reported a revenue surplus and has maintained gross fiscal deficit within FRBM limits. Debt to GSDP ratio in the State has been maintained below the threshold limit of 25 percent consistently over the last 15 years. The capital outlay of State in 2022-23(BE) is almost 8.6 times of its value in 2011-12 and is 5.1 percent of GSDP.

Development expenditure of the State has increased more than four times in 2022-23(BE) over 2011-12 with a view to achieving sustainable and inclusive growth and development. The transformative shift from Agriculture to Industry and service sector have been quite visible with the shares of Industries and Services sector in GSDP expected to increase to 41.3 percent and 36.2percent respectively.

Government’s proactive initiatives in the industry sector, like “Make in Odisha Conclave”, “Industrial Policy 2022”, “Odisha Apparel and Textile Policy”, “Odisha Logistic Policy 2022” and “Export Promotion Policy 2022” is expected to give a fillip to development of a robust industrial ecosystem in Odisha.

On the other hand, critical strategic shifts have taken place in agriculture. While crop production and productivity has shown steady improvement, crop diversification has progressed apace with a focus on climate-resilient crops. Comprehensive and innovative interventions have been taken up in various sub-sectors by several III Odisha Economic Survey 2022-23 Missions (e.g., “Jackfruit Mission”, “Spices Mission”, “Mushroom Mission”, “Floriculture Mission”, etc.). Odisha Millet Mission, launched in 2017-18 to develop a sustainable food system of millets ensuring nutritional security for vulnerable rainfed areas of the State, has been very successful in increasing area under millets apart from promoting healthy food habits in the communities. Performance in the education sector has shown major strides.

The multi-pronged push for quality human resources, infrastructure and institution development and governance through “Mo-School”, “Mo-College” & “Adarsha Vidyalaya” as well as the across-the-board adoption of the 5T transformation Approach has been very effective. Similarly in health, performance has been nothing less than transformative.

With the universalised Health Assurance under the Biju Swasthya Kalyan Yojana (BSKY), access to quality preventative and curative health services including critical care has been achieved for all on the ground. Special attention has been given to nutrition security and eradication of anaemia under Anaemia Mukta Lakhya Abhiyan (AMLAN) for all affected people including pregnant women, lactating mothers, women of reproductive age group, adolescents and children.

Empowerment of youth and women is bringing about societal metamorphosis. The makeover of youth into a powerhouse of change through sports, creativity and animation has been palpable. The construction of World’s largest Hockey Stadium in Rourkela and hosting of the Men’s Hockey World Cup 2023 are only the tell-tales signs of a deeper transformation happening in the state.

With the support of Mission Shakti, women are continuously scaling new heights in terms of economic and social entrepreneurship and leadership. From participating in Self-Help Groups to being captains of growing number of small and medium enterprises women have been championing electrifying change touching all rungs of society and development. The vision for SHGs is to become SMEs in future, said he .