Home Administration CM Unveils YAAS Package

CM Unveils YAAS Package

Bhubaneswar: Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik on Thursday announced special package for the persons affected due to Very Severe Cyclonic Storm “YAAS” that made landfall on 26 May, 2021 in North Odisha coast.

The cyclone has caused extensive damage to the standing crops and plantations, thereby adversely affecting the farmers. The animal husbandry, fisheries, handloom and sericulture sectors have also been severely affected. To ameliorate the suffering of the affected people, the State Government has announced the package, an official said.

The Government will provide agriculture input subsidy to the small and marginal farmers who have sustained crop loss of 33 per cent and above. An one time assistance of Rs 6,800 per hectare will be provided the affected farmers in rain fed/non irrigated areas, while Rs 13,500 per ha of land in areas under assured irrigation.

Rs 18,000 per hectare to be given for all types of perennial crops include mango, cashew, coconut, kewra, betel vine etc. The assistance shall be provided to the actual cultivators. Agricultural input subsidy to any affected farmer will not be less than Rs 2000 for perennial crops and Rs 1000 for other crops.

Quality certified paddy Seeds to the tune of 1,50,000 quintal will be provided to the farmers of affected districts with additional 25 per cent of existing subsidy  through DBT sale during Kharif 2021.

Subsidy towards need based inputs for disease –pest control will be provided through DBT in 60000 acre while farm mechanization subsidy of Rs 20 crores to be disbursed through DBT to the farmers of affected districts.

As many as 2,000 pump sets will be distributed with 50 per cent subsidy limited to a maximum of Rs15,000 per set. 3,000 Sprayers will be made available to the affected farmers in the cyclone affected areas at a subsidy of 50 Percent limited to maximum of Rs 3800 for power sprayers and Rs 750 for hand operated sprayers.

Affected farmers in saline inundated areas will be given assistance of Rs 750 per ha for soil nutrient management /soil ameliorants for 10000 ha. An incentive of Rs 15,000 per farmer will be provided to 125 affected farmers through DBT for repair and renovation of Betel Vine cultivation (Pana Baraja).

Quality planting material of cost Rs 115 will be distributed (for backyard) to 10,000 affected farmers.

Assistance for restoration of 50 Mushroom units shall be provided Rs 40,000 per unit through DBT to the cyclone hit farmers. Over 10,000 free vegetable minikits (Rs 150/ kit) to be distributed in the area.

Expeditious steps will be taken to conduct crop cutting experiments to settle the claims of the affected insured farmers under crop insurance scheme, PMFBY, with risks of localized calamity and mid-season adversity as per revised Operational Guideline of the scheme.

Short Term Kharif Loans advanced in the cyclone affected areas having crop loss of 33% and above shall be converted into Medium Term (Conversion) Loans.

The Chief Minister announced compensation towards loss of animals at the rate of Rs 30,000 per milch cow and buffalo, Rs 25,000 per draught animal, Rs 3,000 per goat, Rs 16,000 per calf and Rs 50 per poultry bird.

Assistance of Rs 2,100 per shed shall be provided towards construction/ renovation of damaged cattle shed.

Financial assistance of Rs 4,100 to be given for repair of partially damaged boats, Rs 2,100 for repair of partially damaged net, Rs 9,600 for replacement of fully damaged boat and Rs 2,600 for replacement of fully damaged net will to the affected fishermen.

 The CM said financial assistance of Rs 12,200 per hectare shall be provided to fish farmers. Input subsidy of Rs.8,200 per ha will be provided for damaged fish seed farms.

Under Handicrafts/Handloom sector, assistance of Rs 4100 per artisan for replacement of tools/equipment and Rs 4100 per artisan for loss of raw material/goods in process/finished goods shall be provided.

Sericulture farmers shall be given input subsidy of Rs.4,800 per hectare for Eri, Mulberry, Tussar and Rs.6000/- per ha for Muga.

Works under MGNREGS will be intensified in the cyclone affected areas. The focus will be given on works like repair maintenance of GP roads, Playfields, canals, earthen bunds, goat shed, cowshed and fodder cultivation.

House Building and other assistances will be provided to the eligible beneficiaries as per norms of assistance under SDRF/ NDRF.