Home Infrastructure Center Ok With CRF Spending

Center Ok With CRF Spending

Bhubaneswar: The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways is satisfied with the Odisha Government for utilization of Central Road Funds(CRF) , official report reveals.

While Union Government is sanctioning more and more funds for development and maintenance of State Roads under Central Road & Infrastructure Fund and Economic Importance & Interstate Connectivity (EIISC) to Odisha, the State Government has been able to utilize the funds in a big way.

Latest Statistics of utilization of Central Road Funds reveal that while some of the State Governments are lagging in spending these funds, Odisha has been able to utilize Lion Share of these funds as the State Government is expanding its Road Infrastructure on a priority basis.

While Dr.Krishan Kumar, Secretary Works is monitoring the development and maintenance of these roads on regular basis, utilization of Central Road Funds seems to be the top priority of the State Administration, a senior official said.

Team Works led by Dr.Kumar is ensuring quality monitoring at the State Level by suitable quality assurance system, said sources.

Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH) is sanctioning and releasing Central Road Funds to the States and Union Territories every year, Odisha’s performance is satisfactory, reveal recent Statistics Report of the MoRTH, and admits a senior official.

While Funds are released under CRIF and EIISC programs, more funds are released under CRIF Program and for Odisha it is sanctioning more funds.

During last four years, MoRTH has released more than Rs.1000 Crore to Odisha and utilization is satisfactory, officials admit.

On both accounts of CRIF and EIISC, funds flow to Odisha has been continuous during last four years and spending is commensurate to the allocation, officials admit.

While four more months are left during 2021-22 Fiscal and it is expected that the State Government will be able to spend more Central Road Funds.

Central Road Funds are released on the basis of geographical area of the state and weightage of fuel consumption in the state.

Similarly execution of projects on priority basis attracts more funds from the Union Government, officials admit.

MoRTH has listed some of the states, where works were found unsatisfactory and those States are Bihar and Madhya Pradesh.

Funds are withheld due to poor quality of road works in case of Bihar, an official pointed out.

Similarly it has been pointed out that the faults are needed to be rectified in case of Madhya Pradesh, said sources.