Home Agriculture 127 Cr Subsidy For Agri Industries

127 Cr Subsidy For Agri Industries

Bhubaneswar: The State Government has released a subsidy of Rs 127 crore to 1085 agri-based enterprises during the year 2016-17 to 2021-22, Agriculture Minister Arun Kumar Sahoo told the Assembly on Wednesday.

While giving a written reply to a question asked by MLA Pradeep Panigrahy, the Minister said, during last six years (2016-17 to 2021-22), 1085 Commercial Agri Enterprises have been set up in the State through APICOL and Capital Investment Subsidy amounting to Rs. 127 crore has been released to different entrepreneurs against these projects, Sahoo said.

Through the agri-based industries, employment for 10850 persons has been generated. In the 2016-17, subsidy of Rs 15.10 crore was sanctioned to 144 commercial agri enterprises while Rs 23.33 crore released to 188 agri units in 2017-18.

Similarly, Sahoo said, Rs 24.62 crore has been released to 123 enterprises in the year 2017-18, whereas only 94 industries have received subsidies of Rs 15.99 crore in 2019-20. Subsidy amount of Rs 18.21 crore distributed to 168 agri-based enterprises in 2020-21.

Moreover, the highest subsidy amount of Rs 29.72 crore has been released to 368 enterprises in the current year 2021-22, the Minister said.

He further said the State Agriculture Policy was declared during 1996 giving agriculture the status of an Industry. As on date, 92 projects have been included under State Agriculture Policy in various sectors (agriculture, horticulture, fishery, animal husbandry, food processing etc.).

The policy provides financial assistance in the form of Capital Investment Subsidy (CIS) @ 40% of the fixed capital investment (50% in case of ST/SC/Women/PWD/ graduates of agriculture and allied discipline) subject to a maximum limit of Rs. 50 lakhs per person, he informed.

Apart from that under different schemes of the Directorate of Horticulture, another 51 Agri-based industries have been established. In these Industries there are 350 persons engaged in income generation through employment, he added.

Out of the 51 units, 15 are cashew processing units set up in Koraput, Dhenkanal, Nayagarh, Cuttack and Mayurbhanj districts, 34 lemon grass units established in Koraput & Dhenkanal districts, one honey processing unit set up in Mayurbhanj district and another turmeric processing unit established in Gajapati district.