Home Health Vax For 25.53L Children

Vax For 25.53L Children

Bhubaneswar: With the approval of the Union Government for vaccination of children, the State Government has geared up to vaccinate about 25.53 lakh children between 15 and 18 years age in Odisha from January 3, 2022.

“We have about 25.53 lakh Covid-19 vaccine beneficiaries of the age of 15 to 18 years. Their vaccination will start from January 3,” said Director Health and Family Welfare, Bijay Panigrahi said here on Monday.

Similarly, over 7 lakh healthcare and frontline workers will also receive a precautionary dose of Coivd vaccine in the State, he said.

There are about 52.37 lakh above 60 years population in Odisha, of which, the persons who have comorbidities like blood pressure, kidney problem and other health issues can get the jabs after consulting their doctors, the director said.    

The vaccination programme for the healthcare professionals, frontline workers and senior citizens with comorbidities will start from January 10.

Till now vaccination programmes are underway at 2600 centres across Odisha. Around 8 mobile teams have been deployed in each block to speed up the vaccination.

If required, the State government is planning to conduct vaccination drives for children at schools and colleges. Since teachers will be present at the schools and colleges, if necessary, the parents of the students will have to come along with them, officials said.

While 29 lakh beneficiaries in the State have not taken the first dose, about 30 lakh are yet to take the second dose of the Covid-vaccine, he informed.

Meanwhile, Director of Public Health Niranjan Mishra said that there is no need for lockdown or a night curfew in the State with present circumstances.   

Among the foreign returnees, only 18 have tested Covid positive, of them, eight have tested positive for Omicron variant. While one of them has already recovered, the other’s health condition is stable, he said, adding, “So there is no need for a lockdown or a night curfew in the current situation.”