Home Urban Urban Alert On Summer Heat

Urban Alert On Summer Heat

Bhubaneswar: Housing and Urban Development Minister Krishna Chandra Mahapatra reviewed various steps taken in urban areas in view of the summer heat.

During the review, Minister Dr. Mahapatra strictly directed that the dormant tube wells should be made operational and 24×7 control rooms should be set up to ensure that there is no shortage of drinking water and that people’s grievances should be resolved promptly. He advised that the instructions issued by the department to combat heatwave should be strictly implemented.

The instructions issued by the department said that due to unusual rains and irregular weather, the temperature has started to increase abnormally during the summer season. Apart from this, urban areas are facing high temperatures during summer due to tall buildings, wide roads and solar energy absorbing infrastructure.

Keeping in view the situation, the Housing and Urban Development Department has issued a detailed SOP and its strict adherence and necessary steps to be taken by all the urban areas, as detailed information was given by the Principal Secretary Urban Development, Usha Padhee.

Adequate drinking water supply should be ensured in all urban areas. For this purpose, water supply pipelines should be kept in proper working condition and any complaint should be redressed within 24 hours, it said. Emergency measures should be taken to ensure drinking water supply, tankers should be deployed at various required places to supply drinking water. If required, additional number of tankers can be arranged on employment basis.

All tube wells/hand pumps should be kept in working condition and equipment should be kept ready for their repair. Control rooms should be opened as per the norms and the complaints received regarding water shortage should be addressed by the responsible officers.

The heat wave warnings issued by the India Meteorological Department should be tracked regularly and if required, the India Meteorological Department/State Control Room may be contacted for such information.

Municipalities should start opening more water kiosks – drinking water distribution centres i.e. drinking water distribution centres, at strategic locations like roadsides, squares, government offices, bus stands, railway stations, markets etc. through voluntary organisations. The water supplied in such water kiosks should be of portable quality and proper sanitation should be maintained with the use of long handle dispensers and daily water changes.

Establishments that do this only for self-promotion and close it after the initial days should be banned and strict action should be taken.

Strict action should be taken against burning of municipal solid waste, garden/tree residue. Sufficient awareness can be created by keeping a container of water in front of the household which should be changed on alternate days for better cleanliness. Roadside should be cleaned as per rules. To stop flying dust, the following steps should be taken.

Construction companies and households should be warned to cover their construction area with tarpaulins or tarpaulins to avoid soil/dust while working and to sprinkle water on open areas. They should immediately ensure safe disposal of the covered and broken materials or they should be penalized.

Vehicles transporting construction materials like sand, bricks, cement and garbage should be completely covered with tarpaulin sheets and their speed should be restricted. The soil layer near the road should be kept lower than the metal layer so that rain water or vehicle movement does not bring it back onto the road.

The ash generated from the fuel burnt by roadside hotels and food stalls is piling up on the roads, which is causing dust pollution and increasing the temperature. The use of coal or coal briquettes should be banned in all urban areas.

All water bodies in and around the urban areas should be restored, rehabilitated and repaired and should be made free from pollution to make them usable and increase accessibility for the public.

All environmental laws/rules, guidelines related to the improvement of the urban environment should be strictly followed and the concerned authorities like police, forest, health department etc. are advised to carry out their respective duties. The meeting held virtually was attended by Director Municipal Administration Arindam Dakua, Additional Secretary Rabindra Sahu, Commissioners of all Municipal Corporations, Executive Officers of Municipalities and NACs along with other concerned officers.