Bhubaneswar: Indramani Tripathy, Director SCSTRTI inaugurated a 15-day Live Demonstration of Sabai and Dhokra Crafts by Bathudi and Santal tribes in the Odisha State Tribal Museum premises.
Shri Tripathy welcomed the artisans, who came all the way from Mayurbhanj District.
He talked to them and appreciated their efforts in participating fortnight long live demonstration.

Bathudi is a major tribe of the 62 tribes residing in different parts of Odisha.
At present they are staying in Mayurbhanj and Keonjhar Districts.
Similarly Santal is the third largest tribe in India after Gond and Bhil. In Odisha they are residing in Mayurbhanj, Keonjhar and Balasore.

Ministry of Tribal Affairs is supporting the innovative initiative, which is organized by Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes Research and Training Institute (SCSTRTI and ST & SC Development Department.
At least 10 artisans are participating in the Live Demonstration Program organinzed in the Santal Hut Courtyard and Juang Mandaghar in the campus of Odisha State Tribal Museum.
Visitors will be able to see their live demonstration from 10 Am to 5 PM till 3 February, said an official of SCSTRTI.