Home Yoga Surya Namaskar Attracts Youth

Surya Namaskar Attracts Youth

New Delhi: Surya Namaskar is a spiritual practice, engaging asana, pranayama, and meditation techniques.  Each step of Surya Namaskar has its own mantra and has a direct vitalizing effect on the vital energy (prana) of the body. Regular practice of Surya Namaskar leads to a balanced energy system at both mental and physical domains. The sequence stimulates muscles and organs in addition to cultivating concentration and stillness of mind.

This Surya Namaskar mass demonstration is part of a series of events being organized by the Ministry of Ayush from 1-14 January, 2023 (on the day of Makar Sakranti to commemorate the journey of the Sun from the Southern to the Northern Hemisphere) at various Sun temples across India.

Following the successful event organized at 108 places simultaneously and bagging Guinness World Record for Surya Namaskars in Gujarat; MDNIY hosted the SECOND event in this series to have the continuity. 

Surya Namaskar is a set of 8 asanas performed in 12 steps with coordination of body and mind. This is preferably done in the early morning (sunrise).

More than 500 Yoga Sadhaks performed Surya Namaskar under the ambience of MDNIY. The programme was covered by Doordarshan and also streamed through various social media platforms of ministry of Ayush and MDNIY.