Home Transport Support Sought For Over Speed Detection

Support Sought For Over Speed Detection

Bhubaneswar : In a bid to check over speed driving, Department of Commerce & Transport has sought help from the MSME Department for develop of a device for detection of over speed.

Department of Commerce & Transport has submitted a proposal to the Department of MSME.

Over speed is the main cause of road accidents and related deaths in Odisha as well as in the country. About 70 per cent of the road accidents in Odisha are caused due to over speed, officials point out.

At present, radar based technology is being used throughout the country for detection of over speeding.

Considering the contribution of over speed in occurrence of road accidents, the Transport Department desires to develop a better and cheaper device using the latest technology for detection of over speeding on highways, he said.

The IIT, Bhubaneswar has been assigned this task with required financial support. A meeting to review the progress in development of the technology was held recently with P K Sahoo, Associate Professor of IIT, Bhubaneswar.

According to Dr.Sahoo, the proposed system would be designed using mm-wave Radar technique and Machine Learning Techniques, which will facilitate vehicular classification on highways at a lesser cost and with smaller equipment for detection of over speed.

“After development of the technology / software, this needs to be integrated with the required devices for use. As there is a huge market throughout the country and abroad for such types of devices, new Start-ups may have to be encouraged to use this as a business model,” pointed out DOCT proposal.  

Therefore, he requested the MSME Department to impress upon one of the entrepreneurs to come forward to utilize this as an opportunity there by cementing Academia-Industry linkage.

Hence, the MSME Department urged to identify one entrepreneur to develop the device for detection of over speed.