Bhubaneswar: SNM Group is actively supporting Climate Change, Environment Protection and Wildlife Care Issues.
Minister Forest, Environment and Climate Change, Ganesh Ram Singh Khuntia has lauded the efforts of SNM Group.
While today SNM Group supported 4th ICC Climate Change Conference organized here at Mayfair Hotel graced by Minister Ganesh Ram Singh Khuntia, the Minister was happy with these efforts.
SNM Group Managing Director Prabodh Mohanty graced the occasion along with senior officials of both Government of India and Odisha Government.

While Minister Shri Singh Khuntia inaugurated the Exotic Primate Complex at Nandan Kanan on 10 November, he lauded SNM Group for their contribution to the State.
Notably, four of these species – Cotton Top Tamarin, Siamang, Common Marmoset, and Geoffroy’s Marmoset – are new additions to the park’s animal collection, zoo officials said.
SNM Group presented the list of new found species. These new species have been collected through SNM Group, Barbil, Konjhar.

SNM Group Director Pragati Mohanty presented the details to Minister Shri Singh Khuntia, who lauded the efforts.