Home Education School Attendance Quite Satisfactory

School Attendance Quite Satisfactory

Bhubaneswar: After a break of 5 days, the schools across the State reopened today.

District Education officials have updated the daily attendance figure from class I to XII.

A peep into the analysis of the same, it is found quite satisfactory, said sources to the Department of School & Mass Education,

Bishnupada Sethi, Principal Secretary School & Mass Education reviewed the statistics.

The attendance in districts like Angul, Bolangir, Deogarh, Dhenkanal, Kalahandi,  Jajpur,  Jagatsinghpur,  Kendrapara, Keonjhar, Mayurbhanj,  Nayagarh,  Nuapada,  Rayagada, Sonpur and Sundargarh is quite encouraging.

At the elementary level, the attendance is also good, said sources.

 All the students from Class I to Class VIII are being provided with cooked MDM (Mid-day Meal), even if the school hour is from 6 AM to 9 AM.

This shows the interest of the students to come to school for learning. Our efforts will continue so that the students get quality learning and come up to the expectations.

 It is requested to impress upon all the stakeholders i.e., teaching, non-teaching staff, SMCs, SMDCs, PRIs and most of all the parents to co-operate with the management.

Utmost care should be taken for the well-being of the children, advised Principal Secretary while taking the review, said sources.