Home Police Prisons Development On 5T Mode

Prisons Development On 5T Mode

While Odisha Government has enhanced its budgetary provision for modernization of the Prisons of the state, DG Prisons and Correctional Services, Santosh Kumar Upadhyaya is taking up prison development projects on 5T Mode.

Under 5T Initiative of Mo Sarkar, system improvement and infrastructure development as well as capacity building is being taken in the prisons up across the state, said a senior official in the Directorate of Prisons and Correctional Services.  

For infrastructure building, the State Government has provided Rs. 39 crores in the Financial year 2022-23 (+56% from FY 2021-22). The State has also provided Rs.10 crores in FY 2022-23 for repair/renovation of Jail buildings (+100% from F.Y.2021-22).

Similarly, Rs. 9 crores has been received as grant-in-aid from MHA in FY 2021-22 which will be used primarily in correctional administration, training of prison officers, skill development & rehabilitation of prisoners, engagement of trained correctional experts, behaviourial experts, psychologists etc.

Procurement of Body Worn Cameras, Metal Detectors, Security Poles, Baggage Scanners & other security related infrastructures. Up-gradation of Jail libraries with procurement of new books etc, said sources.

The State Government has created new sanction of 18 doctors for Jail hospitals (in addition to existing sanction of 17 doctors & 73 contractual doctors).  Regular visits by Psychiatrists & Psychologists have been introduced by the Health Department for all Jails.

Similarly, all Jail hospitals will now be covered under the NIRAMAYA scheme of Odisha State Medical Corporation (OSMC) for supply of medicines for prisoners.

New infrastructure support for existing Jail hospitals with supply of new hospital beds, wheel chair, ECG machine, Glucometer, Digital Bed Monitor, Oxymeter, Digital BP instruments etc. 7 (additional 90 capacity) of new hospitals are under construction in various Jails.

Moreover, capacity of various Jail wards is being raised (4246 in FY 2020-21, 202.-22 & 2022-23). Creation of temporary capacity in jails (1409) and Introduction of new technology, said he.

Introduction of e-Mulakats in all Jails (4th highest in the Country) is in operation across the state.

Similarly, the e-Prisons database was updated. ICJS data linkage started for all Jails (already 56000 data merged) and supply of e-Rickshaw to Jails have been made.

Provision of intercom facilities, inverters to various Jails, introduction of e-Custody certificates in Circle Jail, Cuttack at Choudwar and Special Jail, Bhubaneswar have been made.

Introduction of e-Parole, e-Furlough and e-Premature policy with DMs & SsP also done in this year, said an official.

The Prisons Development Board has been notified. Proposal for long term planning for next ten years (EFC) is under active consideration, officials said.

Similarly, a compensation scheme for death of prisoners in jails is under active consideration.

New scheme notified on 22 March 2022 by W&CD Department towards care of minor children (inside/outside Jails) of women prisoners. Revision of premature release guidelines and parole rules are under active considerations, the officials said.