Bhubaneswar: When good people are at the helm of a system, lots of benevolent efforts are initiated to reform the eco-system.
That is happening in Odisha Prison Administration, thanks to DG Prisons Arun K Ray, ADG Prisons, Amitabh Thakur.
Both the Top Cops are known for their goodness and benevolent approach towards life.
After Shri Ray took over as DG Prisons and Correctional Services of Odisha, reforming the eco-system of prisons has taken place.

Shri Ray is known for his suave and friendly approach towards people.
Operation Mukti, is one of the major initiative of the Odisha State Prison Administration, which is a comprehensive program towards humanizing the prison system. This progressive program was launched on 10 December.
ADG Prisons, Amitabh Thakur is the driving force behind the initiative, who is humane and God fearing.

Operation Mukti campaign is not only to release prisoners having good behavior and are unlikely to reoffend others, but also providing justice to the marginalized and weaker section of the society.
At least 30 prisoners have already been identified to be released under Operation Mukti, thanks to the efforts of Team Prison Administration headed by Shri Ray.
Shri Ray heads the Sentence Review Board, where cases are presented and to be finalized.
Operation Mukti for releasing prisoners involves a lot of meticulous efforts and processes, said a senior officer in the Prison Administration.
Firstly behavioral assessment is being done to see the inmate demonstrates significant improvement in behavior and speech.
Secondly Police Verification is conducted in the Prisoner’s Home District to gather Community feedback.
Most important is Community Approval, which is collected from Sarpanch, Local Police, and Family Members to assess the Prisoner’s readiness to reintegrate in the society.
With Operation Mukti in action, humanitarian release of inmates including elderly persons, people with serious health ailments, and those are in final stage of lives are being taken up.