Home Politics Odisha Regressed 50 Yrs

Odisha Regressed 50 Yrs

Cuttack: Union Home Minister Amit Shah today said that Naveen Patnaik’s government has set Odisha back by 50 years in last 25 years.

Gujarat, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh have no villages without roads, but Odisha still has 6,412 villages without roads. The people should choose the lotus, and within two years, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will ensure the construction of roads in every village, he said.

While addressing an election rally, Shri Shah said that the income of Odisha’s farmers is lower nationwide because their rice sells at lower prices. Under the leadership of the BJP Government in Chhattisgarh, the Government purchases rice at Rs 3,100 per quintal. The Government will work to ensure that every grain of rice from Odisha’s farmers is purchased at Rs3,100 per quintal.

The BJD Government is involved in converting Prabhu Jagannath’s temple into a tourist site. Under the guise of the Parikrama project, math temples are being demolished, and all four doors of the main temple remain closed, causing distress to devotees. Upon winning and taking the oath as Chief Minister, the BJP will be the first to open all four doors of the main Mandir of Lord Jagannath, the BJP leader said.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi ji, not only was the case won in five years, but also the foundation stone was laid on January 22nd, marking the “Pran Pratishtha” with chants of “Jai Shree Ram”. 

While the entire nation celebrated the Ram Mandir, the BJD Government in Odisha prevented the people from attending the festivities. Those who obstruct the Ram Utsav would never be forgiven by the people of Odisha, he alleged.

Shri Shah highlighted that Modi has ensured the safety of the nation. India was plagued by Naxalism, and within ten years, the PM eradicated Naxalism and terrorism to make the country secure.

Ten years ago, during the Congress government led by Sonia Gandhi and Manmohan Singh, there were daily bomb blasts and infiltrators from Pakistan causing havoc.

However, Shri Modi responded to Pakistan’s aggression with surgical strikes and air strikes, eliminating terrorists within Pakistan’s territory in Pulwama and Uri.

Shri Shah mentioned that Odisha was afflicted by Naxalism, and Modi worked to eliminate it in states like Odisha, Bihar, Jharkhand, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra.

The Union Minister further alleged that Naveen Patnaik’s Government puts his photo on the rice sacks and claims credit for it, unaware that merely distributing rice from paper bags does not alleviate hunger, and if anything is to be given, it should be quality rice.

The people of Odisha have bid farewell to Naveen Patnaik, signaling the end of his tenure, and now the Bharatiya Janata Party’s Chief Minister is set to take over, he claimed.

Shri Shah stated that the Jagannath temple is being disrespected, and there is controversy over the keys to the Ratna Bhandar. The treasures of Prabhu Jagannath should remain safe, and if Shri Patnaik is even slightly aware, he should disclose the whereabouts of the original keys to the Ratna Bhandar, who made the duplicate keys, and what happened to the investigation report on the opening of the Ratna Bhandar with duplicate keys.

If the BJP government comes to power, the investigation report on Prabhu Shree Jagannath’s Ratna Bhandar will be disclosed within six days, he announced.

During BJD Government, the great Odia language, culture, and literature, for which many people struggled. The bureaucracy has worked to undermine the rich Odia language, culture, and literature.

As soon as the results come on June 1, the BJP Government will implement the “One Nation One Ration Card” system in Odisha.

The BJP Government will establish irrigation facilities, set up ethanol factories, and ensure cooperative sugarcane milling to make sugarcane farming prosperous for farmers.

Ganjam is Naveen Patnaik’s area, and he has been the Chief Minister for 25 years, but not a single factory has been established here, there is no drinking water supply, no irrigation system, and no cold storage facilities.

If the people of Ganjam make the BJP victorious in Lok Sabha and their 6 assembly constituencies, the BJP Top Leader assured bigger development.