Belgium: The Joint International Cooperative Alliance Committee on Cooperative Research Global and European Cooperative Research Conference in Leuven, Belgium has appreciated the participation of Team Odisha Co-operation.
Team Odisha Co-operation headed by Atanu Sabyasachi Nayak, Minister Co-operation presented details in the International Meet.
Leading Co-operative Stalwart T Prasad Rao Dora, President of Odisha Copoerative Bank, the Apex Bank of the State of Odisha in Co-operative Sector Illustrated the efforts of the Banking Sector in Co-operative system, which is helping out the farmers in a big way.
Shri Dora is having wide experience in Co-operative sector, both National and International sphere.
Senior Mandarin Udhab Charan Majhi, Managing Director of Odisha Co-oerative bank and Registrar Co-operative Societies of Odisha also attended the Meeting.

Shri Majhi is well conversant with mechanism of Co-operative sector in the State.
The International Conference explored a range of topics, including: innovations in cooperative governance; new technologies and cooperative governance; new forms of co-operativism; cooperatives innovating towards ecological sustainability; cooperatives, social innovation and civic wealth creation; resilience, crisis and innovations; cooperatives in new sectors and developments in traditional sectors; innovations in cooperative law; and cooperative education and training.
Speaking on the occasion Minister Sri Nayak told that Odisha is one of the most progressive states in adopting innovations in the field of cooperatives with a view to making the Cooperatives most viable medium for all round economic development of the State in general and the economically weaker, marginalized and vulnerable sections of the society in particular.
The PACS/LAMPCS of the State have been mandated to market the agricultural produce of the farmers.
The International Conference brought together academics, researchers, and cooperative practitioners and policy-makers to discuss the latest research and policy developments in the area of cooperative governance.