Prime Minister Narendra Modi interacted with NCC Cadets, NSS Volunteers, Tribal guests and Tableaux Artists who would be a part of the upcoming Republic Day parade at his residence at Lok Kalyan Marg yesterday (24 Jan 2025).
During the interaction, many participants expressed their joy of meeting the Prime Minister in person, to which the PM replied that “this demonstrates the strength of Indian Democracy”.
A participant from Odisha asked Shri Modi, the actual definition of success, to which he remarked that one should never accept failure. He highlighted that those who accept failure never achieve success, but those who learn from it reach the pinnacle. The Prime Minister emphasized that one should never fear failure, but rather have the spirit to learn from it and those who learn from failure ultimately reach the top.
Upon being asked by the participant what keeps him motivated and energetic, the Prime Minister remarked “Meeting young people like you gives me energy and inspiration”.
He highlighted that when he thinks of the farmers in the country, he realizes how many hours they work; when he remembers the soldiers, he reflects on how many hours they stand guard at the borders. The Prime Minister emphasized that everyone works very hard, and if we observe and try to live like them, we feel that we don’t have the right to rest either. He noted that as they fulfill their duties with such dedication, the 140 crore citizens of the country have also entrusted him with duties to fulfill.
Interacting with a participant from Munger, Bihar, the PM extended his respects to the land of Munger, acknowledging that Munger is renowned worldwide for yoga and now the entire world is embracing yoga.
Another participant said that initiatives like the Swachh Bharat Mission and National Health Mission have not only contributed to the country’s progress but have also attracted the youth. She added that everyone was drawn to the Prime Minister like a magnet, and it was a matter of great pride for the nation to have a Prime Minister with such a personality. Shri Modi emphasized that if 140 crore Indians resolve to maintain cleanliness, then India will always remain Swachh.
The Prime Minister remarked that the habit of waking up early was very beneficial in life. He shared that being an NCC cadet in the past and the habit of waking up early during camps had taught him discipline. The Prime Minister highlighted that even today, his habit of waking up early is a valuable asset, allowing him to complete many tasks before the world wakes up. He encouraged everyone to maintain the habit of waking up early, as it will be very useful to them.