Bhubaneswar: Three days long Krushi Odisha-2025 came to an end on 5 January, while scripting success. Deputy Chief Minister and Minister of Agriculture, Farmer Empowerment and Power, Kanak Vardhan Singh Deo, was the chief guest at the concluding ceremony of the three-days long Krushi Odisha-2025 at the Biju Patnaik Sports Stadium in Baramunda.
Shri Sin gh Deo said this show of Krushi Odisha-2025 will further enhance the future of Odisha’s agriculture. Our government is committed to promoting a strong, resilient and sustainable agriculture system.
On this occasion, Principal Secretary of the Agriculture and Farmer Empowerment Department, Dr. Araibinda Kumar Padhee addressed the ceremony.
Dr.Padhee said that climate-resilient agriculture system is a global challenge today. Our efforts for a sustainable food system will definitely inspire others in the coming days. On this occasion, 11 institutions signed MoUs with the Horticulture Department with the aim of reaching the international level with the aim of reaching the agricultural products.
Sudarshan Mohanty, a successful farmer from Keonjhar, narrated his experience.
On this occasion, successful farmers, winners of competitions like elocution, story reading, poetry recitation, quiz etc., and best stall exhibitors were awarded.
Odisha Agriculture and Technological University was awarded as the best exhibitor in the government stall category.
Director of Agriculture & Food Production Prem Chandra Chaudhary thanked everyone. Shri Chaudhury successfully co-ordinated the show, which scripted success, said a senior official.
Farmers, agricultural experts, scientists, intellectuals, entrepreneurs, workers of agricultural producers’ associations, women self-help groups, officers of the agriculture and allied departments, and students were prominently present in this three-day event.
The experts were present and gave advice to the farmers on improved farming methods, marketing, technical applications, etc. in various staged discussions and deliberation was successful