Home Police High Security For Snan Purnima

High Security For Snan Purnima

Puri: A five-layer security cover would be placed in and around the Sri Jagannath temple and along the Badadanda (Grand Road) to ensure smooth conduct of the Snan Purnima rituals on June 14 (Tuesday).

Special arrangements have been made for hassle-free darshan of devotees, smooth traffic regulation, facilitation of pilgrims and safety of tourists at sea beach and other important points during the Snan Purnima.

ADGP, Law and Order, RK Sharma reviewed the security arrangements and held with police officials and other concerned officers in presence of IGP (Central Range) Narasingha Bhol and Puri SP KV Singh

“Three commandants, 11 deputy commandants or ASPs, 21 additional commandants or DSPs, 50 Inspectors, 270 SI or ASIs, 1000 constables or home guards and 52 platoon of force have been deployed for Snan Yatra,” said Sharma here on Monday after taking stock of the security arrangements.
Besides, one ODRAF and one Quick Rescue Team have been deployed for the Jatra, he said.

Forces have been deployed inside and outside the temple to manage crowds. Two commandants have been given the responsibility, Sharma said.

As many as 40 CCTVs have been installed at various important points of the pilgrim town while few more will be installed for Rath Jatra, the SDG informed the media.

Puri SP has made elaborate security arrangements for the special occasion which is expected to draw lakhs of visitors since the devotees were not allowed to witness the Snana Purnima rituals of the Lords during the past two years, said Bhol.

One way traffic on NH-203 along the Bhubaneswar-Puri route would be enforced.

On Snana Purnima, the deities would be escorted in ceremonial Pahandi to the Snan Bedi, a huge altar in the temple complex facing the Badadanda, and placed there for observance of the bathing ceremony.

The Pujapanda servitors would accord 108 pitchers of aromatic water bath to the holy trinity.  The water would be drawn by a special set of servitors called Garabadus from a well called “Sunakua” situated inside the temple complex.

After observance of Nitis (rituals) in the afternoon, the deities would be dressed up in special attires looking like lord Ganesha. It is popularly called Haati Vesha.

The Vesha would be visible to the devotees from the Lion’s Gate area till late in the evening. During Sahan Mella (free public darshan), the devotees would be allowed to go to the bathing altar to offer prayers.

No devotee would be allowed to touch the deities. late in the evening, the Vesha would end. Thereafter the deities would be taken in Pahandi procession to the Anasar Ghar (sick room) where they would recline to a bed supposedly suffering from fever.

During the period, the temple physician would treat the sick deities with herbal medicine and keep them on a dry and fruit diet.  The Lords would appear for public darshan two days prior to the annual Rath Jatra scheduled for 1 July.