Home Administration Guideline For Engagement Of Retd Govt Servants

Guideline For Engagement Of Retd Govt Servants

Bhubaneswar: The State Government today issued detailed guidelines for engagement of retired Government servants on temporary basis.

In a notification, the General Administration and Public Grievance Department said it has come to the notice that different Departments/Offices are engaging retired Government employees in a routine manner without proper justification and merely to deal with the day-to-day routine works.

Often such reengagements are done despite there being no compelling justification for such engagement. In fact, re-engagement of retired employees has become a rule rather than an exception.

This was not the objective for which the relaxations had been permitted. Such engagements are being made contractually for different spells with different remuneration and different terms and conditions, the department said.

Over the years with improved financial situation, relaxation in recruitment by the Finance Department, strengthening and streamlining of recruitment processes along with rationalization of examinations, the situation has improved substantially.

Before taking steps for re-engagement of retired Government employees, the Department/offices shall assess the proposal in the above light and ensure that if the past experience of the concerned retired Government employee is highly required for the Government/office, then only his/her case shall be considered for re-engagement on contract basis subject to the terms conditions as prescribed in the Resolution.

As per the notification, officers who have retired from Government service on attaining the age of superannuation and are below the age of sixty-five years having good service records and are physically fit shall be eligible to be considered for reemployment.

Officers against whom departmental proceedings or criminal cases are pending or who have been penalized for misconduct during the period of preceding five years shall not be considered for post-retirement re engagement.

Officers having “Outstanding” CCR/PAR for continuous sixty months before superannuation can only be considered for re-engagement, it said.

A Selection Committee led by the Chief Secretary will be constituted with secretaries of GA &PG, Finance and respective departments as members, who will decide the re-engagement of retired employees on the proposal of the concerned administrative department.

Such re-engagement shall be limited to 1percent of the sanctioned strength in the SB level & above for respective departments.

“Only if the Committee is satisfied about the justification, it will recommend the proposal to the Chief Minister for his consideration and approval. Mere recommendation by the Committee shall not create any right of the employee to be considered for re-engagement All such re-engagements shall have to be approved by the Chief Minister. There shall be no Post Facto approval in any re-engagement matters,” read the guidelines.

The re-employment shall be made initially for a period of one year and can be extended for subsequent period of three years with spells of one year each subject to satisfactory performance up to a total period of four years not beyond the age of sixty-five years of age in any case or till the posts are filled up by regular process whichever is earlier.

Similarly, the re-employment can be terminated at any time by the respective appointing authority due to unsatisfactory performance or otherwise by giving one month notice.

The case of officers shall be considered for re-engagement only after the retired officer has vacated the government accommodation allotted to them. However, the Government may relax this provision where-ever it feels necessary in the interest of exigencies of the situation.