Malkangiri: With catching Rohus of 22 KG and 18 KG, the fishermen of Chitrakonda Reservoir Zone are in Cloud 9.
The fisherman is happy for the catch as it will fetch big price in the market, thanks to the efforts of Co-operative Society, which is trying to connect with Markets.
One of the deepest reservoirs of the State has rich varieties of fish species.

Balimela Reservoir of Chitrakonda in Malkangiri is the lifeline of more than 20,000 people in the Cut Off Area, now connected with Gurupriya Bridge.
While they are active members of the Fishermen Co-operative Societies, they never knew how to upscale the Organization to Next Level.
Thanks to the efforts of FISHFED, now they are aware of the facts and moves as to how to strengthen the Societies, which empowers them and made them financially strong.

Department of Fisheries and Animal Resource Development (DoFARD) is supporting FISHFED for promoting the cause of fishermen and organizing Co-operative Societies.
Principal Secretary DoFARD, Suresh Kumar Vashishth has pro-actively supporting the empowerment of fishermen and development of Fisheries Sector.
Funding support for FISHFED is extended by DoFARD and accordingly the Apex Fisher Co-op Society is organizing workshops across the State to help out the fishermen, a senior official said.

FISHFED organized a Three days Long Workshop in Swabhimaan Anchal of Malkangiri, which was ‘Hot Bed’ of Left Wing Extremists (LWE), now a Zone for Development, spearheaded by the State Government, thanks to the vision of Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik, who has connected this Tribal Zone to the Main Land with Gurupriya Bridge.
FISHFED Managing Director Umesh Kumar Mohanty, who has been encouraging the Fishermen Co-operatives in a big way asked the senior officials to organize the Workshop in the far flung zone.
Accordingly Deputy Managing Director FISHFED, Pravat Kumar Das went to Swabhiman Anchal to organize such Workshop for the benefit of the fishermen, who are simple, honest and hardworking.
Presidents and Secretaries of Champanadi Co-op Society, Gurupriya Co-op Society, Shree Sulangeswara Co-op Society, Maa Durga Co-op Society, and Kaliaghat co-op Society participated actively in the Workshop for three long days.
More than 30 Members of these Co-op Societies joined the workshop to learn the trade secret and as to how to scale up activities to Next Level.
District Fisheries Office extended all out support and Assistant District Fisheries Officer, Manoj Kumar Jena, Fisheries Inspector, Sangram Biswal and Senior Officer, Kailash Chandra Patra participated in the workshop.
Inspired by the Training Modules and Mode of Teaching, the participants have urged FISHFED to orghanize more such Workshops in the District, so that more fishermen will reap the benefits.