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District Visit For Mandarins

Bhubaneswar: The newly formed BJP Government has asked all the Top Mandarins to make extensive field visits and night stays in remote and rural areas for effective monitoring and review of the programmes, schemes, and delivery of critical public services.

Development Commissioner (DC) Anu Garg today issued a circular to all Additional Chief Secretaries (ACSs), Principal Secretaries and Secretaries of all Departments, in this regard.

The government has allocated different districts to the Top Mandarins, which will be rotated in every three months.  

In her letter, the DC asked the senior bureaucrats to prepare a two-three days field visit plan every month to review implementation of several schemes and programmes (listed) of the State Government in different fields like education, healthcare, irrigation, agriculture, skill development, investment promotion, among others.

The Officers have been instructed to monitor the implementation of important government schemes/programmes to ensure proper delivery of various government services to the public.

The Officers have been allowed to identify any place within the allotted district which must include remote and tribal areas.

During the field visit, they will have to make field visits to any Gram Panchayat and monitor whether the basic facilities are available for the people in the panchayat or not.

Officers have been asked to have meals at a residential school run for SC/ST students, orphanage or Aahar centre at least once a day (on payment of prescribed fee) and check the quality of food and the environmental conditions there.

During such visits, the Officers will also interact with students and inmates and inquire about the security and other facilities available in their campus.

The top Officers will also interact with various sections of the public, especially patients in hospitals, Angangadi workers, girls in schools and hostels and collect their feedback.

In eight major DMF districts (ie: Angul, Jajpur, Jharsuguda, Keonjhar, Koraput, Mayurbhanj, Rayagada, Sundergarh), officers asked to review the disbursement of District Mineral Fund (DMF)/OMBADC funds.

The Officer can also give their own comments on the important issues they observed during the visit to the district and review all the schemes implemented in the district including the infrastructure projects like ports, airports, irrigation, industrial parks and corridors located in the district. ,

Officers allotted to visit Aspirational Districts will specifically review the progress of Aspirational District programmes. The officials will also review the progress of 29 aspirational blocks in the identified districts.

Further, the senior IAS officers will also discuss with junior officers and IAS (trainee if any) posted in the district.

The officers will visit the designated districts regularly every month and submit a summary of each visit for the information of the Chief Secretary and the Development Commissioner.

A portal in this regard will soon be set up and the visit notes will be uploaded for the convenience and transparency of all.

As per the circular, among others, ACS Satyabrata Sahu has been allotted Jagatsinghpur district while D K Singh will visit Angul district and Cuttack has been allotted to Surendra Kumar, Bishnupada Sethi—Malkangiri, Arabinda Kumar Padhee—Khurda, VV Yadav—Bolangir, and Vishal Dev—Nuapada.