Bhubaneswar: Ashok Kumar Tripathy, President , Odisha State Productivity Council has said that Artificial Intelligence is set to be a defining disruptive technology.
Former Mandarin Shri Tripathy was speaking in a workshop organized by Odisha State Productivity Council jointly with National Productivity Council , Bhubaneswar.
Shri Tripathy President , Odisha State Productivity Council at present an Independent Director of Steel Authority of India Limited apprised the students that Artificial Intelligence is set to be a defining disruptive technology and how AI is a machine based system that infers from the inputs it receives how to generate outputs such as predictions , content , recommendations or decisions that can influence physical or virtual environments .
He informed the students about European Union’s landmark legislation on Artificial Intelligence passed on 13 March , 2024 and India’s Digital Personal Data Protection Act , 2023 . He advised the students to take up certificate courses on AI available online as more and more Indian Enterprises are increasing their AI adoption following the Covid-19 pandemic.

Professor Gyana Ranjan Mohanty , Registrar KIIT University , Bhubaneswar, who was instrumental in organizing workshop for their students of School of Computer Science , School of Business , School of Law etc, spoke on the subject at length.
He apprised them about Productivity, Green Productivity , ESG and the responsible use of AI as a Productivity engine for economic growth , he readily agreed . Though many senior students were preparing to go on 26.04.2024 for internship in Industries and home after their examinations , about forty students attended the workshop and essay competition.
Abhijit Nayak , Regional Director , National Productivity Council , Bhubaneswar gave an illuminating presentation to the students about Productivity , Green Productivity , ESG ( Environment , Social and Governance issues and the role of Artificial Intelligence in jumpstarting the productivity of organizations.
Mahendra Singh , Senior Member of Odisha State Productivity Council and an Industry veteran for 53 years , apprised the students about his experience on digital initiatives in Industries.
Tridib Hota , Vice President , Odisha Productivity Council and an industry veteran for 50 years spoke to students about the importance of adoption of AI and machine learning in industries.
Then with the help of a number of Professors of KIIT University present, participating students were asked to give their written views on Artificial Intelligence as a Productivity Engine for Economic Growth.
Similar programs were held earlier with the students of SOA University, Bhubaneswar and ASBM University , Bhubaneswar and IIT , Bhubaneswar by Odisha State Productivity Council jointly with National Productivity Council for sensitizing students about AI and machine learning in jumpstarting Economic Growth .