Bhubaneswar: Following the announcement made by Chief Minister Mohan Charan Majhi, the State Government today issued formal notification to provide Rs 20,000 monthly pension to the persons detained in jail in State during the 21-month Emergency period
Additional Chief Secretary (ACS), Home Department, Satyabrata Sahu has issued the notification.
“The State Government, after careful consideration, have been pleased to provide pension and other benefits, as indicated below, to the persons detained in jail in State of Odisha under MISA (The Maintenance of Internal Security Act, 1971) or DIR (The Defence of India Rules) or DISIR (The Defence and Internal Security of India Rules) during the period from 25.06.1975 to 21.03.1977,” Shri Sahu said through the notification.
Pension of Rs 20,000 per month will be sanctioned in favour of the living persons (those who were alive as on January 1, 2025) irrespective of the period of detention in jail, he said.
Free medical treatment will also be provided to them as per the provisions made by the Health & Family Welfare Department, the ACS said.
These benefits will be provided for the period with effect from 1st January, 2025.
On January 2, Chief Minister Mohan Charan Majhi had announced Rs 20,000 pension for the people who were detained or jailed during the Emergency period.
Describing the Emergency as the “darkest period” of Independent India, Majhi had stated that several people were arrested while fighting for re-establishment of democracy.
“This was also called the second struggle for Independence and the pension amount is a step to honour their efforts,” the Chief Minister had said.